Our Leadership Team

Leadership Team

  • Peter McClean - General Manager

    Peter joined Pioneer Energy in 2011 as an electrical engineer, working across a number of sites, upgrades and new developments. Peter has moved into managerial roles taking on larger projects, geographically diverse portfolios of assets and teams. Working as the General Manager of Contracting expanded Peter's working knowledge of thermal assets alongside his existing expertise across hydro and wind generation sites. With over 15 years experience in the generation industry, Peter brings a combination of practical and theoretical knowledge to his role as General Manager of Pioneer Energy Renewables.

    As General Manager, Peter is accountable for all aspects of health and safety, asset performance, strategic planning and fiscal management, reporting to the Board of Directors. Peter is supported by a highly skilled and experience team across Aotearoa, managing assets and projects across the hydro, thermal and wind generation spaces.

    During his time with Pioneer Energy, Peter is proud to have led the teams that successfully developed and commissioned the Flat Hill Wind Farm, Matiri and Upper Fraser Hydro Schemes. These schemes play a key role in the Pioneer Energy Renewables Portfolio and represent significant capital investment in renewable energy assets.

    Peter also initiated a large scale project to optimised the Teviot Hydro Scheme. The Scheme consists of 10 individual assets in Central Otago. The project sought to increase generation efficiencies as a whole, resulting in significant improvements and material efficiency gains.

  • Callum Dimond - Generation Manager

    Callum joined Pioneer Energy as the South Island Regional Manager in 2022 focusing on the Hydro, Wind and Thermal assets. With the formation of Pioneer Energy Renewables, Callum has moved into the role of Generation Manager, overseeing all electricity generation assets and schemes across Aotearoa New Zealand. Callum brings over 20 years of experience in developing processes and teams within the electricity industry.

    Callum is responsible for a geographically widespread team and portfolio of assets. A core part of his role is ensuring the Pioneer Energy Group management frameworks across Health, Safety and Wellness, Environmental and Asset Management are embedded. Alongside this, Callum is also responsible for overall asset performance, budget management and continuous improvements of physical assets, processes and systems.

    Callum's proudest achievements include eliminating coal as a primary fuel source across all thermal assets. This project included teams from across the country and a variety of disciplines, including thermal and engineering resources alongside customer relations to develop each customer's individual pathway to more sustainable energy supply.

    Callum represents Pioneer Energy Renewables on the New Zealand Electricity Generator's StayLive health and safety initiative. This has demonstrated how a combined approach to health and safety has practical and far reaching positive outcomes for the industry as a whole.

  • Craig Rowe - North Island Asset Manager

    Craig brings many years of experience to the role of North Island Asset Manager. Craig has an extensive background in practical operations and control, having worked on the Aniwhenua scheme for the past 13 years under several operating companies.

    Craig is highly regarded in the area, having managed stakeholder relations with other operators on the Rangitaiki River including generators, community groups and local iwi.

    As the North Island Asset Manager, Craig is responsible for the effective operation, maintenance, and long-term sustainability of renewable energy assets in the North Island, while building positive relationships with stakeholders and maintaining compliance with industry standards and regulations.

    During his time at Pioneer Energy Craig's proudest achievements include leading the team that reinstated the Aniwhenua scheme following the 2017 Edgecumbe floods. Craig has also played an integral part of modernising the scheme and implementing safety improvements, including ensuring that the public maintain safe access to the Aniwhenua falls and kayak launch area downstream.

Corporate Services Team

  • Fraser Jonker - Group Chief Executive

    Since assuming the role of Chief Executive at Pioneer Energy in 2010, Fraser has played a pivotal role in shaping the company's trajectory to its current success. Leveraging his extensive international experience in strategic management alongside his background in electrical the energy sector and asset management, Fraser has been instrumental in driving the company's growth and innovation.

    With overarching responsibility for the performance of the Group and its subsidiaries, Fraser reports directly to the Pioneer Energy Group Board of Directors. His key areas of focus include investor relations, strategic planning, delivery of growth and overseeing the corporate governance structure.

    Among Fraser's most notable achievements during his tenure at Pioneer Energy are the establishment of the Southern Generation and Ecogas partnerships..

    The Southern Generation Limited Partnership, which has since been amalgamated into Pioneer Energy Renewables, was founded in 2015, enabling the development of a diverse portfolio of hydro and wind generation assets across New Zealand.

    In 2019, Fraser led the creation of Ecogas, a business focused on transforming inedible organic waste into forms of renewable energy. Under his leadership as Managing Director, Ecogas has experienced remarkable growth, with ongoing developments poised to further propel the business forward.

  • Jonathan West - Group Financial Officer

    Jonathan is a highly skilled and experienced Chartered Accountant with over 35 years experience across New Zealand, Australia, the UK and America. During his tenure at Pioneer Energy, Jonathan has been instrumental in raising equity and acquiring new assets and in delivering value to our shareholder.

    Supported by a highly skilled team, Jonathan is responsible for the financial management of the Group alongside the stainability, Asset Management, Compliance, Business Services and Investor relations portfolios.

    Jonathan's proudest achievements include being a part of the inception and growth of the Ecogas business including being awarded tenders by both the Auckland Council and Christchurch City Council to process their kerbside collections. Jonathan has led the team to establish and embed a sustainability framework and practices through the Group.

  • Yvonne Malcolm - Group HR and Compliance Manager

    Yvonne joined the Pioneer Energy team in 2014 as a Compliance Administrator, where she was recognised as a future leader. Yvonne has worked in a wide range of functions within the business including Health, Safety and Wellness, Market Risk Management, Contractual and Consent Compliance, Asset Management, Risk and Brand. Yvonne is now the Group Human Resources and Compliance Manager.

    Yvonne is responsible for overseeing all human resource functions across the Group and relevant subsidiaries alongside managing the internal and external audit programmes and reporting on progress, opportunities for improvement and non-compliances to the Group Chief Financial Officer.

    Yvonne's proudest achievements during her tenure include managing the project that resulted in Pioneer Energy being the first electricity generation company in New Zealand to receive the ISO 55 001 accreditation for Asset Management Systems. Yvonne has also spearheaded initiatives across health and safety including fostering a positive and proactive Health, Safety & Wellness (HSW) culture focussed on continuous improvement and implementing and embedding a HSW system accredited to ISO 45 001. In particular Yvonne initiated and developed the Pioneer Energy Information Day, bringing the whole company together from across New Zealand to promote discussions on all things health and safety, demonstrating practical improvements in safety objectives, overall policy compliance and working culture.

  • Darryl George - Group HSW Manager

    Darryl brings over 20 years of specialist health, safety and wellness (HSW) experience to his role as Group Health, Safety & Wellness Manager. Darryl joined Pioneer Energy in 2022 having worked across Canada, America and New Zealand in a variety of industries including emergency management and alpine ski patrols.

    Darryl brings practical, risk focused approach to all things HSW that puts our people first. As the Group HSW Manager, Darryl is responsible for delivering practical, fit for purpose frameworks and systems to the wider Pioneer Energy Group and subsidiaries. Supported by an experienced and specialist team, Darryl ensures compliance to and ongoing accreditation under ISO 45 001 and NZS 7901 for Occupational Health and Safety, and Public Safety Management respectively.

    A key aspect of Darryl's role is continuing to foster a positive and proactive safety culture, ongoing interdepartmental and intercompany collaboration while monitoring performance against HSW objectives.

    During his time at Pioneer Energy, Darryl and his team have implemented nationwide fleet management software and driven a company-wide focus on critical risks and their related controls. Ongoing improvements to wind tower safety processes and procedures feature in the pipeline of practical, proactive improvements being made to general work practices and risk assessments.